If I was only allowed one word to describe the first night at Harbor Farm I'd have to say 'spooky!' That probably sounds terrible considering how truly spooky it was before the reno started, but I've watched so many people wander in and out of the house over the past 9 weeks, that being there alone felt like trespassing. I kept imaging some random subcontractor walking in looking for the toilet!
There are no immediate plans to unpack all the boxes since there is still a lot of dusty work remaining, like tile cutting, grouting, and drilling to install various doors, mirrors and hardware. There are actually no mirrors in the house---my Jewish funeral motif. Last night I got ready for a Superbowl party by putting makeup on in front of the wine fridge, this morning I did it in the truck. Steve Hughes, owner of Harbor Glass and Mirror, is coming over tomorrow to measure for the shower glass, buffet top, and all the mirrors. Steve and his wife Elaine have owned the shop and cut glass in their 9th Ave. workshop for over 20 years, and I am so lucky that Gus discovered them.
Here are some in-progress shots of the guest bath and Moving Day (Phase II).
Tub Deck with a View |
Marble over the Tub Deck |
...and even a tub. |
Phase II Moving Day:
Habitation |
Who needs rugs when there's brown paper?! |